How I Helped O. J. Get Away With Murder: The Shocking Inside Story of Violence, Loyalty, Regret, and Remorse

Written by:
Mike Gilbert
Narrated by:
Mel Foster

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
July 2008
7 hours 0 minutes
The shocking tale told in How I Helped O. J. Get Away With Murder is unlike anything you've read before; it isn't Mike Gilbert's 'version' of what happened-it's the unvarnished truth: the truth about O. J., the murders, and the infamous trial. Not as Gilbert imagined or would like it to be, but how it actually was. Gilbert doesn't spare anyone, not even himself-he helped deceive the jury and feels deeply responsible for the 'Not Guilty' verdict.

So why is Gilbert speaking out now? Has he gone from sinner to saint? Is he making a play for sympathy or looking to make a quick buck? No. (Proceeds from this book are going to March of Dimes and other selected charities.) Gilbert has written this book because he regrets what he did for his adored childhood idol. He can no longer find any excuse for how he has shielded O. J. Simpson, and he is determined to tell the full truth, including:

-O. J.'s late-night confession to Gilbert

-How Gilbert was responsible for O. J.'s hand not fitting the murder glove

-Why O. J. murdered Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman (it was more than jealousy)

-Why Gilbert defended O. J. for so long-and what finally convinced him he could do so no longer

- How O. J. ignored his financial obligations to the Goldman family and milked the tabloids for money

-The real reason why an armed O. J. burst in on the memorabilia collectors in Las Vegas (Gilbert had what O. J. was looking for)

Told with searing candor, no one comes out of this book with his reputation intact-including Gilbert's own. But he casts a glaring light on how celebrity can corrupt, how power can mislead, and how friendship and loyalty can be perverted. His book is meant to set the record straight, to lay to rest the ghosts of that dreadful night that have haunted him ever since, and to now play what little part he can to forward the process of justice.
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Pat Heller

This is a VERY informative book for anyone who was interested in the O J trial, etc. I always believed he was guilty and this book explains why he was acquitted. Now I need to read his If I Did It...

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Michael Bell

Puts you right there in the counrt room, defense lawyers were on their game Prosecutors got behind the eight ball and could not get caught up spell binding

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Taylor G.

Bit of a mixed bag, here: The book was an extremely informative and candid account of events but as a victim of long term intimate partner violence I was ENRAGED by the litany of excuses the author made for OJ and how long he stayed working for him, even aiding and abetting him in concealing assets from the police and the victims families. I definitely understand that to an extent Mike was a victim as well. Ultimately his idol became his friend and client, then manipulated and used him to conceal and cover up YEARS of violence that ended in murder. However, I can’t help but think this is exactly how so many narcissists with violent tendencies tend to get away with it: it’s cronyism pure and simple. That said. I learned many things I never knew about this case and it was fascinating. I could have done without a lot of the very clear self-pitying details the author included and the very public pleas for forgiveness for crimes he absolutely should have served time for. The narrator is one of my favorites and did an excellent job with this piece. If you’re opposed to hearing swearing and slurs said outright though, this one might not be for you. I don’t mind hearing swearing but I was NOT prepared for the amount of bald-faced slurs included throughout.

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The narrator was extremely monotone and hard to listen to but the book was interesting.

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Gordon W.


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Outstanding depiction from someone so close to OJ !! While working in the NYS court system during the trial I always remember back then that I knew he was guilty and that the evidence was overwhelming! Congrats Mr Gilbert for showing some respect to the Brown and Goldman families. Can’t wait to read OJ ‘s If I did It !!

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Liked the book but hated all the "F" bombs. Could of done without hearing the swearing. If you wanted clarity of the story this is the book for you. Amazing how much people will lie cheat and steal for fame and fortune of a person and even how they will corrupt themselves for unhealthy relationships. Personal thoughts if this what it takes to be poor then I would rather die broke. It was truly informative and interesting he did a good job piecing together his story and view point

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Very interesting story

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The. narrator was a bit hard to listen to and as much as the author said he wasn’t going to make excuses sure seemed like he did. Felt like a money grab book.

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Very informative if you are interested in OJ as a person, and everything that happened leading up to and after the trial (as far as his personal life). Of course, it is a tragic story. And though it was interesting, I don't know if I'm any better off knowing any of this. But on the off chance any of his children ever read this review (children from first or second marriage) I do want to say this: I know you are grown, but I want to speak to your inner child. I'm so sorry this happened to you. None of this was your fault. Your Father in Heaven is not flawed like us, humans. He took the violence of this sinful earth upon himself to shield you from it. Death is HIS enemy (1 Cor. 15:26) and he promises that soon death itself will be finally and completely defeated. He has good plans for you (Jeremiah 29:11), and he wants you to heal and be happy. If you still love and forgive your earthly father, that is beautiful and good (God loves him and forgives him too). If you don't forgive him and can't love him, that's okay too. YOU ARE BELOVED. And nothing will ever change that. Again, beloveds, I'm so so sorry this happened to you... That is what this book made me want to say. God bless you. Numbers 6:24-26

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