Outliers: The Story of Success

Written by:
Malcolm Gladwell
Narrated by:
Malcolm Gladwell

Unabridged Audiobook

Release Date
November 2008
7 hours 18 minutes
From the bestselling author of The Bomber Mafia, learn what sets high achievers apart—from Bill Gates to the Beatles—in this seminal work from "a singular talent" (New York Times Book Review).

In this stunning book, Malcolm Gladwell takes us on an intellectual journey through the world of "outliers"—the best and the brightest, the most famous and the most successful. He asks the question: what makes high-achievers different?

His answer is that we pay too much attention to what successful people are like, and too little attention to where they are from: that is, their culture, their family, their generation, and the idiosyncratic experiences of their upbringing. Along the way he explains the secrets of software billionaires, what it takes to be a great soccer player, why Asians are good at math, and what made the Beatles the greatest rock band.

Brilliant and entertaining, Outliers is a landmark work that will simultaneously delight and illuminate.
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Emily W

I think this book starts off pretty well but there were points that I felt like could have been expanded on a bit more. Some of the outcomes of outliers seemed pretty clear and then at other points I felt like there were examples just thrown in that weren't really explained very well. I also thought this book lacked diversity in the examples and tended to favor certain groups, languages, etc. I understood the concepts and what the author was trying to get across but it would have been nice to learn about more non-white male examples of outliers. They're out there, it's just up to authors to make an effort and priority to find them.

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Victoria S.

Thoroughly enjoyed this book. It reminds the reader that successful people get to where they are through a lot of luck and circumstance and not just through hard work and genius. This book makes you feel less envious of successful people and inspires you to make your own luck and opportunities.

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Betty O.

Great book but we know Malcolm has a way of grabbing the attention of his audience right from the beginning.

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Taha T.

c'est un bon livre

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Michael U.

Goodwell narration terrific and flow was very good. Kept me entertained and informed tthe enitre book M.J. Urbano, San Diego

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Brisa R.

Excellent book! I love all of the data and the different angles he points out to make his point.

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Nin Yuan

Profound and deeply unsettling

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I read this book many years ago. Through the time when making decisions (many times parenting decisions) I often remembered chapters of the book and many times it made me decide easier and right.

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Lee W.

Awesome. Must read.

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Tommy Peter B.

If you're an intellectual in any sense of the word, you'll see right through this book, and probably be very frustrated by how silly it is. Most college students would probably know not to make extreme generalizations, like "Asians are good at math" without having ample evidence of it. Instead of wasting time on this book, look up any number of articles that seriously critique it, and you'll save 10 hours of your life.

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Lala N.

Very interseting book

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Very good and makes you think

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Very enjoyable listen.

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Kevin M.

A super interesting book filled with facts that definitely took a lot of time, dedication and research to expand on his ideas. I love the topics he hits on that gives you a better understanding of humans and culture, especially culture. Every chapter was unique and so much fun. To summarize the book from what I took out of it: "Everything happens for a reason, and for no reason. The universe is at work."

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Adam H.

Extremely interesting. Great book.

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Siaka K.

Malcolm use statistics, human psychology and organizational behavior to dispel myths. Excellent read for anyone who assumes that assumptions are all factual. Malcolm, explains data and takes the reader through a thorough process of inductive and deductive reasoning and how to identify inference in situations to challenge the status quo way of thinking.

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Lisa H.

Interesting! Challenged the way I think about successful people.

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Brian K.

Great book. Quite mind boggling & insightful. As much as I enjoyed it, my mind cannot simply agree with his entire concept. Of course we're all privileged in certain ways. There will always be someone in a worse situation. I think Malcolm completely undermines the internal sacrifice & drive that carries people to success. Bill Gates for example, chose to take up the opportunities he got while other boys his age opted to gallivant. The Beatles accepted the job offer of playing daily rather than opting for an easier path. In my opinion, we definitely all need support up to a life stage, from there your desire & will to achieve your objectives makes you notice opportunities that've always been there but for which your mind was not activated to. Nevertheless, interesting book.

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James F.

I disagree with the recent 3 star reviews. I find "Outliers" excellent in all respects: surprising revelations, interesting summary theories, and fun to listen. As always, Gladwell's narration (tone, inflection, etc.) adds much to his book.

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David R.

Starts off well but gets off track. I got the feeling the author was looking for similarities that fit his narrative vs getting all the relevant data. At least I know where President Obama got his "You Didn't Build it" idea from. I agree that we are a product of our generation and environment but not giving serious credit to the personal hard work and effort to rise through mediocrity does not give people the respect they deserve.

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John M.

The Rosetta town study is no longer correct, the high fat diet most likely led to the low heart disease rate. Not a knock on the author, just an observation. Great read.

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David T.

Malcolm Gladwell is a wonderful narrator of his own writing in “Outliers”. His sociological approach to the parameters of success is intriguing

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Adan R

Incredible read!!! So insightful. Great to connect with all the great people you have met on your way

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Oana Roxana R

It is the first book downloaded in my audiobooks account, and I can tell you that it was an amazing experience: the content, the subject, the narration.

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Darwinson V

Great read and the narrator was amazing.

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Carmen Victoria U

The greatest book I've ever read.

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Adrian U

Very great read, dives you into the lives of the successful and their progressive opportunity management. It is full of great knowledge and very easy to comprehend.

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Aik Okaro

Great read and very thoughtful. I am glad I was not disappointed.

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Sam Elliott

Great read! Highly recommend! A book that will definitely leave you thinking in a different way.

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Dan Dunlap

Insightful and thought provoking; an excellent read from a very creative author.

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Mark Kremer

in a typical Malcolm Gladwell Gladwell fashion, "Outliers" offers intriguing insight into what makes outstanding achievers... outstanding achievers. The assertions of the book are not obvious and counter intuitive, supported by a wide range of prior academic research, and brought to bare with convincing example. Though some of the claims, like the "10,000 hours magic", sound suspiciously elegant, the principal of the arguments stands. In retrospect, "Outliers" helped me understand the outstanding people that I had the good fortune to work with, and furthermore the ones that were expected to stand out and did not. The narration, by Malcolm him very self, like his writing style was clear and effective.

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Janet Slavenski

I appreciated the facts and interest this book brought to me personally. The authors own story was an added bonus

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Matthew Chase

Familiar with Malcolm Gladwell from his work with Bill Simmons. I always enjoyed his work on the podcast and most recently the TV show. I knew about this book and the 10,000 hour theory but for some reason never read it. Finally decided to take the plunge and now feel dumb for having waited this long. I finished it and then immediately started over. Genius stuff. So hard to explain these concepts but Gladwell does it with such ease in transition and language. Thankful for this book. I've already recommended it to numerous people. Get it now!

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Melissa Gue

Another great book by this great author! Very thought provoking! A lot of A-Ha moments. (Grateful for the narration/audio version as I was recovering from eye surgery).

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Sentilla Hawley

So eye opening. Greatest book I have read yet. Malcolm Gladwell is genius.

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dom chaffey

This is a Very interesting and intellectual read. I would recommend this to anyone. It has a similar feel to the sports psychology book called Bounce.

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Great book read by the author. I shared this with my wife and many friends as I progressed through. Many "Aha" moments.

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David Underwood

A great listen both enjoyable and thought provoking.

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Jared Thomas

Great insight and elaboration of research. Allows the reader to glimpse into the lives of the successful and pull apart the contributing conditions that lead to their sucess.

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Phillip Cronin

I enjoyed this book. The information cited was fascinating.

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Anthony Parish

This book is a must read/listen to.It changes the view of success in the lives of people

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Can Zhang

excellent book with fascinating stories and arguments, i don't agree with all the author had said but very good writing and reading all around

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